Das Montral 1976 wurde 1975 auf der Mailänder Fahrradmesse als Top-of-the-line-Modell angeboten.
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Hier eine Antwort von William Rossin zu dem Rad:
Hi Jörg,
sorry for the delay I answer, but I had to show this picture to my father and he doesn't access his mailbox so often.
First of all, my father doesn't appear in this photo. The man on the left side is Mr. Ghezzi, business partner of my dad at that time. The man on the right side is Mr. Garbelli, who will become my father's partner afterwards. My dad did not recognize the man in the middle; perhaps he's a pro cyclist.
The frame Montreal 76 wasn't made in titanium, but steel 100%. Otherwise, some parts of the bike gear (brand Campagnolo) was in titanium, this is the reason of the model's name.
I hope these informations will be useful to you.
Have a nice day

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